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Il New York Times Education di sabato 7 dicembre 2013 ha proposto alle scuole un video da mostrare agli studenti per ricordare i passaggi salienti della vita di Mandela e sul quale ha formulato una serie di domande dalle più semplici- chi, che cosa, dove, quando e come- ad altre più approfondite, utilizzando ulteriore materiale. Lo proponiamo alle colleghe d’inglese per un possible uso nelle loro classi

Dal New York Times Education una proposta alle scuole per ricordarlo

br-mande1Il 5 novembre 2013 Nelson Mandela, eroe della lotta all’apartheid in Sud Africa e premio Nobel per la pace nel 1993, è morto all’età di 95 anni.

La sua scomparsa è stata annunciata dal presidente del Sudafrica, Jacob Zuma in un appassionato, commosso discorso televisivo.

Il partito di Nelson Mandela, l’Africa National Congress (Anc), così lo ha ricordato:

Un colosso, un esempio di umiltà, uguaglianza, giustizia, pace e speranza per milioni  di uomini e donne”.

Il New York Times  Education  di  sabato 7 dicembre 2013 ha proposto alle scuole un video da mostrare agli studenti per ricordare i passaggi salienti della sua vita e sul quale ha formulato una serie di domande secondo lo schema chi, che cosa, dove, quando e come. A queste prime domande ne seguono altre più approfondite, utilizzando ulteriore materiale.

Proponiamo questo lavoro alle colleghe di inglese per un possibile utilizzo nelle loro classi.

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6 Questions About

the News | Farewell, Nelson Mandela


Watch the video and answer the basic questions- who, what, where, when, why and how- about Nelson Mandela
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The questions below are based on the video, but students might also read the obituary, “Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s Liberator as Prisoner and President, Dies at 95.”

  1. HOW did Nelson Mandela first come to the world’s attention?
  2. WHAT was apartheid?
  3. WHAT is the African National Congress?
  4. WHAT did Mr. Mandela say in his courtroom speech when he was arrested in the 1960s, a speech this video calls “one of the most eloquent of his life”?
  5. WHERE did he spend 18 years in prison?
  6. WHAT was “one of the most momentous decisions of his life,” made without consulting his comrades in the African National Congress because he knew they would resist?
  7. WHEN was he released from prison?
  8. WHAT was South Africa like at the time he was freed?
  9. WHO is F. W. de Klerk?
  10. HOW does this video depict and describe Mr. Mandela’s political campaign and the elections of 1994?
  11. HOW did he use rugby to win over white South Africans when he was president?
  12. HOW, according to the video, did Mr. Mandela fall short as president?
  13. HOW did Mr. Mandela spend his life after he left the presidency?
  14. According to Bill Keller, for WHAT will he be remembered first and foremost?



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Go to related slide show » | Go to related obituary »

In his obituary, Mr. Keller writes:

The question most often asked about Mr. Mandela was how, after whites had systematically humiliated his people, tortured and murdered many of his friends, and cast him into prison for 27 years, he could be so evidently free of spite.

Read the first page of this obituary.

  • WHY do you think Nelson Mandela was so able to “keep hatred in check” and be the leader he was?
  • WHAT lines, details or quotations in the obituary, or in any of the other Times pieces about Mr. Mandela, do you find most moving, compelling or interesting?