A SCHOOL WITH NO WALLS. An ecosystem approach to education



Scientific Humanism and the “two cultures” controversy
Fabio Minazzi,Professor of Philosophy of Science at the  University of Insubria (please activate automatic subtitles)

Curriculum overload. An OECD analysis
Miho Taguma, Project Manager Education and Skills 2030, OECD

Girls in the era of artificial intelligence
Giulia Baccarin, Ceo  MIPU(please activate automatic subtitles)

An open challenge: girls’ right to education and science
Amna Habiba, a 16-year-old Pakistani student

Singapore: Teaching in the XXI century
Edmund Lim, Executive Director of University Partnerships (APAC) at ThriveDX

“Le plus ça change…”
David Price, International Expert in organization innovation, UK

Connecting the classroom to the world
Jean Kluver, author of Changing the Subject, High Tech High, San Diego

Building more inclusive communities through education
Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for education and skills

The importance of Human Connection and Mental Wellbeing for Youth in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution
Marigold Mioc, a 13-year-old Canadian student

An open ecosystem for a new lifelong learning paradigm
Stephen Harris, Chief Learning Officer, Learnlife

Gifted students: an Italian case
Paolo Barabanti, INVALSI researcher, Università Cattolica di Brescia(please activate automatic subtitles)

Embodied Cognition implications in learning
Filippo Gomez Paloma, Professor University of Macerata(please activate automatic subtitles)

A school for life learning for a sustainable world
Dave Strudwick, Principal of REAL School Budapest

A new concept of “time” and its relationship to learning
Guy Levi, an Israeli artist of innovation in learning

Learning Space Design and the role it plays in developing the learning cultures
Lene Jensby Lange, Founder and Ceo of Autens


The reasons for a title

image004We entered the second  decade of the 21st  century through a pandemic, which is   still going on and has profoundly changed the ways  we live,  work and study as well as our human, social and economic relationships.
Since February 24th 2022 we  have been experiencing  a war that is changing the world order, and  is likely to be followed by a  dramatic phase of recession.
With this scenario, it is unacceptable to perpetuate the existing school system, the most conservative of all,  and not to face the challenges of a deep rethinking of education, in order to meet the needs of the new generations.
Which responses to the  many challenges unmet so far, which perspectives, which new narrative about the purpose of learning in this second decade of the 21st century?
The old paradigm of learning is locked in through a tacit narrative of ‘success’ for individual students supported by individual teachers.    A new narrative is expansive, informed and profoundly moral  and supported  by a new teachers’ professional and social capital.
What we need  is  an education for human flourishing and  a new approach based on science and evidence, with  particular  reference to neuroscience and big data.
Our goal must now be to direct our educational endeavours explicitly to thriving at four inter-related levels: planetary, societal, interpersonal and intrapersonal. This is an alternative vision of ‘success’; a vision that combines insights into the deep connections between our inner wellbeing and that of the planet, as well as addressing the preconditions for a prosperous, peaceful, equitable community,  incorporating the values ​​of well-being, sustainability, solidarity, sharing of responsibilities.
These are the reason for the title of this international 2022 meeting: A SCHOOL WITH NO WALLS. An ecosystem approach to education.
A title which tells us  about the need to open  our schools to the outer world in a way in which vision, environment and human capabilities work as interdependent  parts to strengthen and support one another.
An ecosystem that gives students a voice, offers  them  the opportunity to learn in real-world contexts  and  face challenges.

The 3 sessions


The seminar will be divided into three plenary sessions: 1) October 21st , Friday morning, 2) October 21st , Friday afternoon, 3) October 22nd  , Saturday morning. Below some information about each session, while more detailed news about the key speakers can be found clicking on “Keynote speakers” in the index on the left.

1st   Session October 21st , Friday morning

The first session is chaired by Maria Teresa Siniscalco, Education innovator.

How to redesign  curriculum to bridge the gap between today’s content and tomorrow’s needs? How to foster STEM and overcome its separation from  humanistic culture? How to tackle curriculum overload? How  can a curriculum be flexible?  How to embed values ​​in curriculum?

These questions  and more will be answered by: 

Fabio Minazzi, Professor of Philosophy of Science at the  University of Insubria, a disciple Ludovico Geymonat, the most entitled to speak of scientific humanism  and of the question of the two cultures;  Miho Taguma, Senior Policy Analyst in the Early Childhood and Schools Division of the Directorate for Education and Skills at the OECD, she has also been leading the OECD initiative, Education 2030, that aims to help countries explore different dimensions of 21st century competencies; Giulia Baccarin,  la young smart  Ceo of MIPU with a specific dedication to enhancing the scientific education of girls;  Amna Habiba,  a 16-year-old Pakistani girl, founder of Global Creative Hub, international speaker, STEM enthusiast, and an advocate for girls’ education and digital literacy; Edmund Lim, Executive Director of University Partnerships (APAC) at ThriveDX, a global cyber education company, which empowers individuals to thrive in this digital age, had a varied experience in teaching, school leadership, training and consultancy in the Singapore education system and overseas;  David Price, lead for culture at  The Power Of Us Agency,  writer, trainer and advisor of organisations in both the public and private sectors, awarded the OBE, Officer of the Order of the British Empire, by the Queen, for services to education.

2nd    Session October 21st , Friday afternoon

The second session is chaired by Roberto Ricci, President of INVALSI.

This session gets to the heart of  learning ecosystems, and it deals with three fundamental issues: equity, excellence and inclusiveness in education, which will be addressed by:

Larry Rosenstock, founder and past CEO of High Tech High, a network of twelve K-12 public charter schools in California, which boasts state-of-the-art technical facilities for project-based learning, internships for all students, and close links to the high-tech workplace, with his collegue and wife Jean Kluver author of Changing the Subject: Twenty Years of Projects from High Tech HighAndreas Schleicher,  Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the OECD, his book World Class, how  to build a 21st Century School System is a mine of information, suggestions and strategies on education reforms; Marigold Mioc from Canada, 13 year old and already an activist for civil rights; Stephen Harris, who currently lives across two cities, Barcelona and Sydney, Co-Founder and Director of Learning at Learnlife, Barcelona, thefirst learning hub, an innovation community exploring  the new learning paradigm; Paolo Barabanti, sociologist of education and INVALSI researcher, with a particular interest in “excellence” in Italian schools, an undervalued sector in Italy.

3rd    Session October 22nd  , Saturday morning

The third session is chaired by Giulia Guglielmini, President of Fondazione per la scuola.

How to put neuroscience in the classroom? This question will be answered   by analyzing its implication for  teaching, time and space.
These issues will be addressed by:

Filippo Gomez Paloma, Professor of Special Education and Pedagogy at the University of Macerata, has developed a particular interest in  Embodied Cognition, of which he is following  several applications in Italian schools;   Dave Strudwick , a published author with a great  experience on leadership, learning needs, habits and mental health, is  now Principal at REAL School,  an innovative new school in Budapest , which benefits from the advice of Beau Lotto, Professor of Neuroscience  at University of London;  Guy Levi, an Israeli learning innovation expert with a demonstrated history of introducing innovative pedagogy on a national (Israel) and global scale, currently focusing on learning theory and practice in the 21st-century, with a particular interest  in “learning time” ; and finally  Lene Jensby Lange, honorary member of ADi,   smart founder  and Ceo of Autens Future Schools in Denmark, a consultancy specializing in third millennium learning, schools transformation and learning space design.

A SCHOOL WITH NO WALLS. An ecosystem approach to learning


chair Maria Teresa Siniscalco

9:10 Introducing the session, Maria Teresa Siniscalco, Education innovator
9:20 Scientific Humanism and the “two cultures” controversy – Fabio Minazzi,  Professor of Philosophy of Science at the  University of Insubria
9:40 Discussion
9:50 “Curriculum! Who was he?” Flash of two Italian presenters
10:00 Curriculum overload. An OECD analysis Miho Taguma, Project Manager  Education and Skills 2030, OECD
10:20 Discussion
10:30 Girls in the era of artificial intelligence – Giulia Baccarin, Ceo  MIPU
10:50 Discussion
11:00 Coffee Break
11:20 An open challenge: girls’ right to education and science – Amna Habiba, a 16-year-old Pakistani student
11:30 Discussion
11:35  And now….to Singapore! Flash of two Italian presenters
11:40   Singapore: Teaching in the XXI century – Edmund Lim, Executive Director of University Partnerships (APAC) at ThriveDX
12:00 “Le plus ça change…” – David Price,   International Expert in organization innovation, UK
12:20 Discussion and conclusion of the session

chair Roberto Ricci

14:30 Introducing the session – Roberto Ricci, President of INVALSI
14:40 Follow us! We’re going to visit a school in California.  Flash of two Italian presenters
14:50 Connecting the classroom to the world –  Larry Rosenstock, Founder of High Tech High, San Diego, and Jean Kluver, author of Changing the Subject
15:10 Discussion
15:20 Building more inclusive communities through education – Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for education and skills
15:40 Discussion
15:50 And now….to Canada! Flash of two Italian presenters
16:00 The importance of Human Connection and Mental Wellbeing for Youth in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution – Marigold Mioc, a 13-year-old Canadian student
16:20 Discussion
16:30 Coffee Break
16:50 Would you like to know what Learnlife is? Follow us to Barcelona! Flash of two Italian presenters
17:00 An open ecosystem for a new lifelong learning paradigm Stephen Harris, Chief Learning Officer, Learnlife
17:20 Discussion
17:30 Gifted students: an Italian case – Paolo Barabanti, INVALSI researcher, Università Cattolica di Brescia
17:50 Discussion and conclusion of the session

chair Giulia Guglielmini

9:00 Introducing the session – Giulia Guglielmini, President of Fondazione per la scuola
9:10 Distinguished guest    
9:20 Embodied Cognition implications in learning – Filippo Gomez Paloma, Professor University of Macerata
9:40 Discussion
9:50 And now to Budapest  to discover REAL SchoolFlash of two Italian presenters
10:00 A school for  life learning for a sustainable world  – Dave Strudwick, Principal of REAL School Budapest
10:20 Our experience at REAL School – Two Hungarian students  
10:35 Discussion
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 A new concept of “time” and its relationship to learning – Guy Levi, an Israeli artist of innovation in learning
11:20 Discussion
11:30 Learning Space Design and the role it plays in developing the learning cultures  – Lene Jensby Lange, Founder and Ceo of Autens
11:50 Discussion
12:00 Conclusion of the session – Alessandra Cenerini, President of ADi


Fabio Minazzi

Fabio Minazzi is Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Insubria; he is the scientific director of the “International Insubric Center C. Cattaneo and G. Preti and editor of the magazine “Il Protagora”. Two philosophers have had a particular influence on his university education: the epistemologist Ludovico Geymonat and the historian of philosophy Mario Dal Pra. To Geymonat he has devoted numerous studies, two monographs (La passione della ragione, Thèlema-USI 2001 and Contestare e creare, La Città del Sole 2004), and also The reasons of science, Laterza 1986, Philosophy, science and truth, Rusconi 1989, Dialogues on peace and freedom, Cuen 1992, La ragione, Piemme 1994.
Co-founder and past President of “L. Geymonat Institute” in Milan, he is currently a full member of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences in Brussels.
Author of 28 monographs, he has written over fifty volumes and 300 essays, studies and notes in which he has deepened the history of European critical rationalism.
In recent years he has been interested in the role of multimedia and ICT in the teaching of philosophy, from secondary high school to university.
The reflection on the role of new technologies in the teaching of philosophy has led to an ambitious cultural project called The Young thinkers, which has involved hundreds of students from upper secondary schools to university, creating a real laboratory in close and fruitful connection with civil society.

Miho Taguma 


Miho Taguma is Senior Policy Analyst in the Early Childhood and Schools Division of the Directorate for Education at the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). She is the project manager for the OECD’s work on early childhood education and care (ECEC), e.g. the OECD Network on ECEC, the international ECEC staff survey, the policy review on transition from ECEC to primary schooling.
She is currently also leading a new OECD initiative, Education 2030, that aims to help countries explore different dimensions of 21st century competencies which modern education systems need to develop in students towards the world in 2030. The project focuses on secondary level education, where relevant, including vocational education and training while recognising a life-long learning continuum.
In the past, she conducted various policy reviews such as on migrant educaiton, recognition of non-formal and informal learning. During her post at the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, she worked on “E-learning in Tertiary Education”. She was also involved in the UNESCO-OECD Policy Review of Education Sector for Mauritius as a review team member.
Prior to joining the OECDshe was working in the Education Sector of UNESCO (2002-2003). She was working on intercultural dialogue and education projects.

Giulia Baccarin

baccarinGiulia Baccarin graduated in Biomedical Engineering with a thesis on fall prediction using wearable sensors. After a meaningful experience in a consultancy company in Japan, she returned to Italy in 2008 to found the Italian headquarters of what is now the largest European company specialized in predictive maintenance.
In 2012, in order to promote and support young talents in Italy, she cofounded MIPU Predictive Hub, a group of companies dedicated to bringing predictive techniques and artificial intelligence into factories and smart cities with a strong ethical mission: to boost sustainability and social inclusion.

Since 2015 Giulia has been committed to promoting a deep discussion on the role of Ethics 
in Artificial Intelligence and on the gender gap within STEM areas.
She won in the 2016 the GAMMA Award for Female and Youth Entrepreneurship, and in 2018 and 2019 she was awarded by Fortune Italy as Most Influential Innovative Women under 40.

Giulia is a lecturer in subjects related to the Digital Factory, AI and Predictive Maintenance.

Today, the Mipu Group has a team of 60 people and projects running with the major international industrial groups.

The Holding MIPU has developed rapidly over the years achieving important goals, even during the years of the pandemic.

In 2021, Mipu Smartcities joined the four historical firms of the Group (Mipu Machinecare, dedicated to Maintenance; Mipu Energy Data, dedicated to Energy management; Mipu IspiringResearch & Development company; Mipu Predictive Hub, the Core team).

Mipu Smartcities is primarily aimed at local bodies, in order to make the Italian municipalities
connected and predictive.

Amna Habiba 


Amna Habiba is a 16-year-old Pakistani, founder of Global Creative Hub, international speaker, STEM enthusiast, and an advocate for girls’ education and digital literacy. Recipient of the Young Achiever Award for digital activism in 2016 and the Young Voices Award in 2021, Amna has always been inspired to use the power of technology for the betterment of society.
When COVID struck, her mother motivated her to explore e-learning leading her to complete more than 80 courses in just 6 months in various fields. This steered her to take part in multiple STEM programs, use technology for social good (UN SDGs) and venture into edtech.
o give back to her community, she launched a social development initiative that aims to make every Pakistani girl digitally literate and capable for the future of work, namely Global Creative Hub. As a youth ambassador and activist, Amna has spoken on various global platforms, including World Bank, WomenTech Network, IFC & UNESCO to advocate for her mission to support girls in literacy, digital literacy, and STEM. In addition, she is also the youngest Pakistani to host 3 international digital hackathons in her country. Featured by UNESCO Youth, Malala Fund, and a UN Food Hero, she believes that when technology is used for good, it can change the world. Her talks have been viewed by more than 50,000 people from all over the globe.

Edmund Lim

image004Edmund Lim  is currently the Head of Business Development (Asia) for ThriveDX, a global cyber education company, which empowers individuals to thrive in this digital age.
He has a varied experience in teaching, school leadership, training and consultancy in the Singapore education system and overseas.
Edmund taught in government and mission schools, as well as in the Gifted Education Program (GEP). He has experience conducting professional development training for school leaders and teachers. He taught for 4 years at NIE, where was also involved in various research and professional development programs.
He served as a vice-principal and principal in secondary and primary schools.
Edmund subsequently contributed as the Director (Special Projects) of Education Consultancy Division and Strategic Development in Educare, a Co-operative of the Singapore Teachers’ Union. He conducted talks for school leaders and educators from Singapore, Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines. He has also conducted seminars for ministers and ministry officials from different parts of Russia.

David Price

image005David Price is Lead for Culture at  The Power Of Us Agency. He writes, trains and advises organisations in both the public and private sectors. His first book, OPEN: How We’ll Work, Live & Learn In The Future was an Amazon best-seller. His next book “The Power Of Us”, was published in late 2020.
He has taught at all educational stages: adult, community, K-12, further and tertiary sectors. In addition to writing and speaking, he trains educators around the world through his company, Educational Arts, supporting teachers and leaders seeking to prepare students for the future, through a wide range of training programmes. He is also an international advisor to the Canadian Educators Association, The Mastery Transcript Initiative, Vega Schools in India, Global Schools Alliance    and cultural consultancy Sparks & Honey. He is 2022 Thinker In Residence for the Future Schools Alliance based in Melbourne, Australia.
He has advised multinational corporations and government education departments all over the world, and is a highly sought-after public speaker, He was awarded the OBE in 2009, by the Queen, for services to education.


Larry Rosenstock

LARRYLarry Rosenstock is founder and past CEO of High Tech High, a network of twelve K-12 public charter schools in California. Larry taught carpentry in urban high schools in Boston and Cambridge and was principal of the Rindge School of Technical Arts, and of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. A member of the Massachusetts and U.S. Supreme Court Bars, he served as an attorney at the Harvard Center for Law and Education, and served as lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley School of Education. He directed the federal New Urban High School Project, and was president of the Price Charitable Fund. He is a winner of the Ford Foundation Innovations in State and Local Government Award, an Ashoka Fellow, and recipient of the McGraw Prize in Education.

Jean Kluver

image003Jean Kluver, author of Changing the Subject: Twenty Years of Projects from High Tech High, is a former Dean of High Tech Elementary Explorer and editor of UnBoxed, the Journal of Adult Learning in Schools. Currently she works for the San Diego Teacher Residency coaching and supervising teacher residents. Prior to her career in education, Jean worked as program director for the International Community Foundation and as Executive Director of the Women’s Institute for Housing and Economic Development in Boston. She has over thirty years experience working with schools, foundations, and community-based organizations and has served as adjunct faculty at the University of Massachusetts Boston, Wheelock College, and Tufts University. She holds a B.S. in Economics from the University of Massachusetts and an M.C.P. (Urban Planning) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Andreas Schleicher

11Andreas Schleicher is Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris.
As a key member of the OECD Senior Management team, Mr. Schleicher supports the Secretary-General’s strategy to produce analysis and policy advice that advances economic growth and social progress. He promotes the work of the Directorate for Education and Skills on a global stage and fosters co-operation both within and outside the OECD. In addition to policy and country reviews, the work of the Directorate includes the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), and the development and analysis of benchmarks on the performance of education systems (INES). Among his many works it is noteworthy WORLD CLASS. How to Build a 21st-Century School System, which has been translated into many languages.

Marigold Mioc

image002Marigold Mioc is 13 years old and lives in Calgary, Canada. She is a 2019 Diana Award holder and recipient of the 2021 Top 30 under 30 Award from the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation. Marigold is a Youth Ambassador for United Way, Gems for Gems, 1Girl and Apar Initiative. She has received numerous awards for community service and volunteering. Marigold has had a social enterprise since the age of 5, making and selling headbands. She uses proceeds from her business to help others; including the sponsorship of a family from Syria and for the education of a student in Kenya. She has worked with Senator Moodie’s office, co-facilitating online youth sessions regarding Bill S-210 which would establish the office of the Commissioner for Children and Youth in Canada. She completed a Fellowship with international educational organization HundrED from 2019-2020. She is an international public speaker and was Miss Junior Regal World 2020/21 and also held the title of Little Miss Calgary in 2016. She is an international runway model and has walked in Toronto, Calgary, Paris, New York, Milan, Madeira and Vancouver Fashion Weeks. She was an International Kid Reporter for Scholastic Kids Press in 2019-2020. Recently, she participated in a global three-month long program called “How They See Us”, funded by National Geographic. She loves to travel and spend time with Tiffany, her poodle puppy. Her dream is to attend Harvard University.


Stephen Harris

image002Stephen is the Co-Founder and Director of Learning at Learnlife, Barcelona. He currently lives across two cities – Barcelona and Sydney, crossing the globe frequently! Learnlife started as the Our Dream School Project. Learnlife Barcelona is a lighthouse hub – the pioneer space for lifelong learning in downtown Barcelona. It is the first in a worldwide network of learning hubs meant to accelerate change in existing education models through personal purpose-based based learning. Learnlife now has three Hubs operating out of the Barcelona project.
Stephen was the Principal of Northern Beaches Christian School (NBCS),Sidney Australia,  from 1999 – 2017. Under his leadership the school gained international recognition as an organisation that was noted for leading pedagogic change in schooling. His design briefs for buildings have seen the creation of some of the most forward-focused learning environments, enjoyed by the students and staff, and appreciated by thousands across the world (vimeo.com/242000597). In 2005, Stephen founded the Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning. His vision was to embed innovation into everyday school practice. Stephen received recognition at the inaugural 2011 Australian Awards for Outstanding Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), as the Australian Secondary Principal of the Year (NSW). Stephen was also recognised in 2017 as a recipient of the prestigious John Laing Award by Principals Australia Institute (PAI) presented to exceptional school leaders.
Stephen Harris has been in education for more than 40 years, with teaching experience across almost every grade from Kindergarten to Year 12. He has been a school leader for 30 years. Stephen studied to be a secondary English teacher, trained in primary teaching method, and has completed a Master of Letters in Australian Literature. Stephen completed his PhD thesis in 2019, looking at Vision as a Catalyst for School Change.


Paolo Barabanti


Sociologist of education, after having been a primary school teacher and contract lecturer at the Catholic University of Brescia, he is currently a researcher at INVALSI. Trainer on the issues of evaluation. Member of CIRMIB (Research Initiative Center on Migration in Brescia) and of LaRIS (Laboratory of Research and Social Intervention in Brescia), directed by Prof. Maddalena Colombo, both at the Catholic University of Brescia; member of the editorial board of the INSIDE series (at Vita e Pensiero) and member of the authors group for the review Scuola Italiana Moderna (edited by La Scuola). He also collaborates with the Education Sector of Ismu Foundation (Initiatives and studies on multi-ethnicity in Milan), directed by  Mariagrazia Santagati. His research topics include: excellence and equity in education, school-family relationship, students from migrant backgrounds and multicultural schools.


Filippo Gomez Paloma 

s200_filippo.gomez_palomaProfessor of Special Education and Pedagogy at the University of Macerata. He is PhD in Pedagogy of educational processes and knowledge building, and has a Master’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s International Qualification of “High Education Level”. He is a member of many national and international scientific societies of Pedagogical and Didactic Area (AIESEP, SIPED, SIREM, SIRD, SIPeS) and member of the Board of Directors of SIEMeS, whose research topics are linked to the world of education, in particular on inclusive education and physical and sports education.

Dave  Strudwick

image012Dave Strudwick, from Plymouth, UK,  is now Principal at REAL School,  an innovative new school in Budapest focusing on making the world a better place. He’s worked as a teacher and leader in mainstream and specialist settings in the UK, US and China.
Dave is a published author with a great deal of experience around leadership, learning needs, habits and mental health. His inquiry based approach enables young people and adults to navigate a rapidly changing world.
He’s been a Headteacher and co-founded three schools, including the UK’s first trauma informed school, for at risk youth, School for Inspiring Talents. At Blackawton Primary the curriculum was judged outstanding by Ofsted.
He has developed and supported online schooling, including leading a virtual school, through a blended and personalised approach. In Plymouth the school was referred to as a beacon of hope by the Edge Foundation for its project based approach and recognised in the Parliamentary Review.
He also co-created the world’s youngest published scientists – Blackawton Bees and the I,scientist programme at the National Science Museum in London.

Guy Levi

image002Guy Levi is a learning innovation expert with a demonstrated history of introducing innovative pedagogy on a national (Israel) and global scale, currently focusing on learning theory and practice in the 21st-century. In the last three years working on a unique learning model for Nano-courses for skills acquisition and development of capabilities, based on AI and machine learning.
Guy was the Director of Innovation at the Center for Educational Technology (CET), Israel’s most prominent educational NGO, for 15 years. He is a mentor of startups in the EdTech industry in MindCET, CET’s EdTech innovation center, and other global accelerators. Guy presented CET’s innovative work at many conferences worldwide, including Israel, the USA, Europe, the UK, and Vietnam. Guy is associated with the OECD Education 2030 initiative, where he promotes his expertise in 21st-century curriculum and EdTech experience.
Guy holds a Master’s degree in Sociology from the New School for Social Research in New York and is a graduate of the Mandel School for Educational Leadership (Mandel Foundation Israel) in Jerusalem.

Lene Jensby Lange

Lene Jensby Lange is the founder of Autens Future Schools, a consultancy specializing in third millennium learning, schools transformation and learning space design.
Autens inspires and develops visionary futures with clients, creating momentum, ownership and courage to transform. Autens strongly believes in the power of how our schools and learning spaces are designed and works tirelessly to transform schools and higher educational facilities – both in content, pedagogy, student work, structure, interior design and architecture – into vibrant places learning suited for the needs of students in the 21st Century.
Lene Jensby Lange also leads the Global Schools’ Alliancewhose goal is to ensure children experience a better quality of education no matter where they live. Its mission is to collaboratively raise the standards of education in countries worldwide by connecting with the most progressive schools to:

  • exchange research about how children learn and the newest ways to educate children,
  • share teaching and learning methods that are proven best practices continously develop member schools’ teachers through rotating fellowships at other member schools’ locations,
  • create common projects between the schools that have a trans-national relevance facilitate educational visits between members to understand diverse cultures and work ethics,
  • evaluate, adopt, and share emerging technologies for learning.

In March 2020 Lene co-founded Link Online Learners as a response to Covid19. Link Online Learners is a platform where youth across the Globe can connect and build relationships and global understanding in a safe environment. On March 22nd 2021 she was appointed honorary member of ADi for her distinguished contribution to the improvement and innovation in education.

Please fill the FORM: https://forms.gle/pn6FRTVHcuyZy4oZ7 to book a ticket. Seats are limited and the booking is needed to reserve a seat.


  • Everyone: amount 150 €
  • Speakers: free

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